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Tag Archives: #balance

Tune Into Good Health

Remember the days of rabbit ear antennas on your television sets? If you were lucky enough to find the exact seating position in your living room to optimize your body’s own magnetic field and the tilt of the earth’s axis, these beauties could tune in your favorite show with the crystal clarity of a thick San Francisco fog.

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Posted in Acupuncture, fall, Immune Health, Immune support, tune-up, Uncategorized, winter | Also tagged , , , Comments Off on Tune Into Good Health

Your Immunity Boost: Meditation!

Benefits Of Meditation

Meditation is used by many people not only to relax from a busy day but also to tune into their own bodies and minds. Since days have become more stressful, the world has become more crowded and the more that worldly problems have risen, many people are finding comfort, safety and bliss in

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5 Ways to Eat Without Overeating this Holiday Season

We’ve always the heard the saying to enjoy everything in moderation, and that is definitely true when it comes to holiday foods. Don’t try to deprive yourself during the holidays, it most likely won’t go over well. Having an extra holiday treat here and there won’t kill you. You’re allowed to indulge a bit, just keep portions

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Posted in AcuDownloads, Acupuncture, Digestion, Food, Immune Health, Immune support, Personal, Safety, Stress | Also tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , Comments Off on 5 Ways to Eat Without Overeating this Holiday Season

7 Tips to be Stress-Free During the Holidays

7 Tips to be Stress-Free During the Holidays

Keep a routine
It is especially easy to lose your normal routine during the holidays due to festivities and the special occasions that tend to happen this time of year. Don’t abandon your healthy habits, keep your usual routine of diet and exercise, which is especially important when holiday foods and

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Posted in AcuDownloads, Acupuncture, Headaches/Migraines, Immune Health, Immune support, Personal, Uncategorized | Also tagged , , , , , , , , , , , Comments Off on 7 Tips to be Stress-Free During the Holidays

5 Tips to Help Your Diabetes

There are about 29 million people in the United States who suffer from type 2 diabetes, an illness that is becoming increasingly common and is also highly preventable. With lifestyle changes, diabetes can be managed and prevented.

Aim for a healthy weight

When you have extra weight, this can cause an increase in blood sugar. Maintaining a healthy weight

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Posted in AcuDownloads, Acupuncture, Food, Immune Health, Immune support, Personal, Stress | Also tagged , , , , , , , , , Comments Off on 5 Tips to Help Your Diabetes
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