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Tag Archives: headaches
Germ Warfare
You never have to wonder when the cold and flu season is around the corner. The pharmaceutical industry will be sure that you are reminded of its arrival. The pharmaceutical industry and the medical community at large are depending on you to leave the fate of your health and well being up to the workings of chemical-laden pills
Posted in AcuDownloads, Acupuncture, Allergies, Headaches/Migraines, Immune Health, Immune support, Personal, Stress
Also tagged #colds, #flu, #germs, #organs, #sick, acupuncture, allergies, health, stress
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5 Tips to Help With TMJ
Commonly known as TMJ, temporomandibular joint pain affects over 10 million Americans and can involve difficulty chewing, jaw muscle stiffness and painful popping or clicking, according to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research.
Although for some people the pain of TMJ goes away on its own, others develop long-term problems and need treatment to help their pain.
Posted in AcuDownloads, Acupuncture, Headaches/Migraines, Pain, Stress
Also tagged #TMJPain, acupuncture, exercise, stress
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Headache Newsletter
Headaches – How Acupuncture Helps
If you suffer from headaches, you are not alone. Over 50 Million of us experience some form of a severe headache at some point in our lives. Whether you experience minor head pain or severe migraines, headaches can take valuable time out of your day and your life, and leave you searching for relief.
Posted in AcuDownloads, Acupuncture, Allergies, Headaches/Migraines, Pain
Also tagged acupuncture, allergies, health, migraines
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