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3 Tips for Ovary Health

OAK-Teal-Ribbon-2-183x300There are a number of complications that can happen to a woman’s ovaries over her lifetime. Ovarian cysts commonly occur and can go away without treatment, while more serious problems like ovarian cancer require extensive treatment. The best way to treat these conditions is with preventative care. Below are tips to fit into your daily routine for better ovary health.

salmon-heart1) Healthy Foods

Women with polycystic ovary syndrome, a condition involving the imbalance of sex hormones, have a higher risk of ovarian cancer and obesity. Because of this, it is even more important that those with PCOS have a healthy diet.

Foods to consider into your diet:

Lean Proteins: Limiting saturated fats can help decrease the body’s inflammation and lower the chance of ovarian cancer. Good sources of lean proteins include fish, chicken, lentils, beans and eggs.

Fruits and Vegetables: Fruits and vegetables are never a bad choice to include more of into your diet. They are packed with vitamins and antioxidants to help strengthen your body’s immune system and fight disease. Tomatoes and onions can especially help prevent ovarian cancer.

Nuts and Seeds: Healthy fats are important for ovary health. The unsaturated fats in nuts and seeds can provide omega-3 fats that can reduce inflammation and help decrease your cancer risk.



2) Exercise

Women who are overweight or obese have a higher risk of developing ovarian cancer. Along with a healthy diet, it is important to have regular exercise to maintain health. Exercise is thought to help the body’s immune system, which in turn can help prevent obesity and ovarian cancer. Starting off with moderate exercise that includes taking a walk most days or light jogging can even be impactful on lowering your risk.


337024-cinnamon3) Herbs

Chinese Herbs:
Cinnamon and rehmannia is a common combination of herbs that has been used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat ovarian cysts. These herbs can be found out at health stores as well as be ordered online.

Brassica vegetable extract:
Brassica vegetable extract is a natural antioxidant that can help prevent disease such as cancer, diabetes and other chronic diseases. Brassica vegetables include kale, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and Brussels sprouts. These vegetables contain glucosinolates, which work as an anti-carcinogen, helping to decrease the risk of cancer. You can find brassica vegetable extract in your local health food store.

Along with these lifestyle guidelines, consider acupuncture for preventative treatment as well as managing an existing problem to help get you back on the road to better health.


Acupuncture and Ovarian Health

Hands-in-Heart-on-belly-470x260Acupuncture has proven helpful in strengthening the body’s immune system, as well as reducing symptoms of cancer treatment. Because acupuncture treats the whole body, it can help increase immune strength that can fight against disease like ovarian cancer and polycystic ovary syndrome. By using acupuncture points, acupuncture is able to release blockages that may be preventing the body from its natural flow.

For those going through cancer treatment for ovarian cancer, acupuncture can act as an important alternative to help with symptoms of treatment. Acupuncture has been known to help nausea caused by chemotherapy and reduce overall pain. Cancer treatment involving chemotherapy and other drugs can have many side effects; acupuncture works to counterbalance these symptoms with almost no side effects or pain.

Although ovarian cysts can sometimes go away on their own, other times they require extra treatment to be resolved. Ovarian cysts can be caused by a number of factors including an imbalance of hormones. Acupuncture works by bringing the body back to balance, regulating blood supply and hormone levels.

If you are battling with ovarian complications or looking for preventative care, consider acupuncture as an alternative safe treatment option.

Women’s Health Issues

Here is a good summary of women’s health issues that was compiled by

Everyone wants to be healthy in order to enjoy a sense of well-being and have the best quality of life possible. Oriental medicine has always addressed the special needs of women throughout their lives. Women are more susceptible than men to certain health conditions, which can make it more challenging to achieve optimal health. Fortunately, many health issues women face respond extremely well to acupuncture treatments.

Several conditions that impact women more frequently than men include:

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) states that women are twice as likely to experience depression as men and one in eight will contend with major depression during their lifetime. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), depression is the most commonly reported mental health problem among women.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS):
Four times as many women as men develop chronic fatigue syndrome. CFS sufferers may feel tired for more than six months, experience reduced memory, insomnia or a wide range of other symptoms, including but not limited to, headaches, flu-like symptoms and chronic pain. Oriental medicine can help relieve many of your symptoms because it is exceptional for relieving aches and pains, helping to avoid getting sick as often, recovering more quickly, and improving vitality and stamina.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS):
Women are 2-6 times more likely to develop IBS. Acupuncture points can help relieve IBS symptoms, according to researchers from the University of York in the U.K., who found that integrating acupuncture into a treatment plan led to less severe symptoms.

Autoimmune Diseases:
According to the American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association (AARDA), about 75 percent of autoimmune diseases occur in women. As a group, these diseases make up the fourth-largest cause of health related disability among American women.

Some specific autoimmune diseases that affect women disproportionately more than men include:

  • Multiple Sclerosis (MS): Nearly half a million Americans have multiple sclerosis, and of that group two-thirds are women. According to the American Academy of Neurology, women with MS are nearly 1.5 times more likely to carry the gene associated with the disease, and are more likely to transfer the gene to female offspring.
  • Lupus: Ninety percent of all lupus patients are female. Lupus has no known cause, though it is believed it may be hereditary, and may also be triggered by stress, environmental toxins, sunlight, exposure to fluorescent light, and some medications.
  • Celiac Disease: An autoimmune disorder that affects the digestive system due to an adverse reaction to gluten, 60 to 70 percent of celiac disease patients are women.

Read More about acupuncture and Oriental Medicine for women’s health!

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